Marble can be considered as one of the oldest and most beautiful natural stones available. At Click&FindStone we want to tell you everything about it. From the simplest thing that is its definition to its origin. In addition, we will answer some frequently asked questions about this type of stone. Ready to discover marble?
What is marble and what is its composition
To begin with, we can define marble as a metamorphic rock formed from limestone.
This type of stone is formed with contact metaphorism, that is, it is formed when limestone or another type of carbonate rock is subjected to high temperatures and pressures, reaching a high degree of crystallization.
It consists mainly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which exceeds 90%. The rest of the composition of the marble are other minerals such as micas, quartz, pyrite, iron oxides or graphite, forming the impurities that we can visually observe and that give it its characteristic colors and veins.
What is the origin of marble
The popularity of marble dates back to ancient Rome and Greece where it was the cornerstone of their structures, from stairs to pillars. We can admire this stone in places and sculptures as well known as the Roman Colosseum, the Parthenon in Athens or the Venus de Milo.
If we jump back in time, a more recent structure in history and that is listed as one of the 7 wonders of the world, is also built mainly with white marble: the Taj Mahal, in India.
Now, we have talked about its historical origin, but where does the marble come from? In the wild it can be found on the mountain slopes of countries such as Italy, Brazil, India and even Spain. It can be found both deep in the ground (which makes it more expensive to extract) and on the surface, and its cutting is done mainly with diamond wire saws so as not to damage the stone.

The most common uses of marble
As we mentioned before, marble is a favorite stone and it is very common to find it in:
- Walls: As a coating for both interior and exterior, from conference centers to homes where the aesthetic factor and design are present.
- Floors: This type of stone is ideal for floors and surfaces where there is a lot of foot traffic.
- Countertops: One of the places where it is most common to find it is in kitchens and bathrooms due to its great resistance and elegance.
- Stairs: Like the floors, and also with the factor of giving a special touch to your home, office, building, etc.
3 Differences between marble and granite
Both marble and granite are two types of natural stone used in construction and for interior design. If you still do not know what the main differences between the two are, we will tell you through 3 key factors:
- Chemical composition: marble is a metamorphic stone composed of calcium carbonate while granite is an igneous rock composed mainly of quartz, feldspar and mica.
- Texture: Marble has a uniform texture with different veins and patterns while granite has a granular texture and its appearance is more mottled due to the variety of minerals that compose it.
- Maintenance: If we had to say which rock needs the most maintenance, the answer is: marble due to its porosity.
3 Differences between marble and quartz
Marble and quartz are two types of stones, but what are the 3 essential factors in which they differ?:
- Chemical composition: As we have commented throughout the article, marble is a metamorphic natural stone while quartz is an artificial stone created by combining natural quartz with resins and pigments.
- Texture: While marble has a more natural and organic texture, quartz tends to be more uniform and homogeneous due to its artificial composition.
- Maintenance: Regarding its maintenance, quartz tends to require less maintenance due to what we have been discussing in relation to its composition of natural stone with resins.
Why choose marble over other options
If you are deciding what type of stone to use in your project, we cannot finish this article without telling you the reasons why choosing marble is a great option. Choose it for its:
- Beauty and elegance, its natural veins and patterns make it unique.
- Durability, with the necessary care it will accompany you in perfect condition for years.
- Timeless appearance, never goes out of style.
- Compatibility with other materials, a good option to combine with metals or wood.
- Resistance to heat, it can easily resist the direct action of fire.
We hope we have helped you to learn a little more about marble and to know how to differentiate it from other types of natural and artificial stones. And no matter which stone you choose, we invite you to review our online marble catalog with real and accessible stock. Options for all kinds of tastes, ideas and projects.